Home / Dried fruit / Peeled Cling Peaches 200g Resealable

Peeled Cling Peaches 200g Resealable

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Yellow Cling peaches, also known as “taaipit perskes” in Afrikaans, are widely grown in Warm Bokkeveld, Breede River Valley and Klein Karoo, primarily for canning. Cling peaches get their name from the fact that their pips or “stones” are difficult to loosen from the flesh of the peach. Their firm (“non-melting” is the fancy term we also use) flesh makes them ideal for canning and that crunchy juiciness also makes the fresh fruit legandary but we think that taking the trouble to remove that stubborn pip, peel off the hairy skin and dry these bright yellow peaches makes for the yummiest version of them all!


Peaches, Preservative: Sulphur dioxide

Nutritional Information

Per 100g: Energy 913 kJ, Protein 3.4 g, Carbohydrates 49 g, Total Sugar 48.9 g, Total Fat <0.05 g, Dietary Fibre (AOAC 991.43) 3.1 g, Total Sodium 185 mg


Sulphur dioxide

Alibi Statement

This product has been packed in a factory that uses peanuts, tree nuts, milk, soya, mustard & sesame seeds.
Allergen Management Program in place.


This product is made from real fruit and may contain pips or pip fragments.
Due to the nature of the product, natural surface crystallisation can occur.

Dietary requirements

Gluten free, Halaal, Kosher, Vegan

Product details